sweet words for sweet person

.orang kata saya garang tapi saya rasa saya sweet sangat dan comeyl (perasan) jadi mari layari kisah hidup saya.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Assalamualaikum and very good day...had a very good day today..alhamdulillah..with my friend..although the food is not really delicious..but still I enjoy it..thanks for accompany me to eat Pizza Hut.myfriend.hahaha..oh yeah...i got mylicense...even though..its not with me yet..still with my agent..but i already driving on the road..i.m capable for both..auto n manual..not like some newbies..they only can drive auto..ish2..ish2..cannot..hehehehe...
So..what else..nothing..hahaha..okay salam..n wish me very gud luck for the coming exam....amin..

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Habislah aku...

Assalamualaikum..n very good day to all...hmm..so apa nak cerita hari ni...now saya kat rumah tgh lepak2 ngan family n i just did something bad to my cousin punya samsung tab...u know kan..bnda tu ade lock pattern..n saya accidently xthu die punye lock pattern tu so saya try smpai..hehehe..smpai...die block..hehehe..n skunk ni die mintak email n password yg cousin saya pon nyanyuk  n lupa ape kebenda. ..xthu nak tlong mcm mana..hmmm..so duk diam kat tepi n tgok die godam je..nasib cousin saya penyabar..kalau saya..dh blasah2 dah..hehehehe..k la suk pagi bru blik umah sewa..n then straight to my faculty for class..hmm..doakan la ye die dpt unlock tab die..


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Awal Muharram Terindah

Assalamualaikum...buat semua insan didunia ini yg sudi membaca blog athie ni..hehehe..lama tak berjumpa blog kesayangan ni..sebab ape dh lame tak update???hahahahaha..sbb nye saya lupa plak password nie..hmmm..nyanyok plak saya..so kali ni..saya nak ceritakan apa yg berlaku sepanjang saya tak mengudpate blog...for sure ade yg sedih dan gembira...

So, the latest story in my life was hiking the Broga Hills with my friends...that was the latest enjoyable memory in my life as for today because we went in the early morning 4 a.m of Awal Muharram...hehehehe..from that moment I can learn new things..it's really hard(muzukashi) but still interesting(omoshiroi)....*( )japanese language..

From my experienced:

"As hiking the hill, you can hike until you reach your limit point, then, you will feel really tired, you feel that you want to stop from reaching the top, you have no spirit and loss of motivation..but there is always something, name FRIENDS, who will give you support..so that you will togather to achieve the goal..same concept in our life..even you feel it is hard to move on, you know Allah and family will always be there, and dont forget, FRIENDS always by your side...so be a friend that can support your friends and find friends that can bring you also to reach the top"

Here my sweet moment during Awal Muharram

shafinah and me

my supportive friends

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Terima Segalanya

Assalamualaikum buat semua pembaca...sbelum memulakan entry ini ingin saya mohon semua pembaca yang beragama Islam untuk sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat pemergian ayah dan juga datuk sahabat saya pada hari Rabu yang lepas..semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat oleh -Nya...dan saya juga harap mereka berdua tabah dan teruskan kehidupan..Al-Fatihah..........

Memang ajal dan maut itu milik Allah, tiada siapa yang dapat mengawalnya......Memang kesihatan dan kesakitan kita juga milik Allah....belum tentu yang sakit pergi dulu, dan mungkin yang gagah perkasa yang lebih awal meninggalkan dunia ini...semuanya tiada jangka, tiada dalam kalendar kita, kerana semua itu rahsia Allah.... 

Buat sahabatku,
memang benar apa orang kata, "senang la kalau bercakap bukan kau yang berada ditempat aku..."
mungkin, nasihat dan sokongan orang sekeliling tidak cukup untuk mengubat hati kamu yang lara...
namun terimalah ia sebagai tanda kami prihatin...walaupun buat masa ini, aku belum menghadapi situasi itu dan belum kuat lagi untuk menghadapinya..tapi tiada siapa yang dapat menolak kehendak-Nya
aku harap korang tabahkan hati, doakan yang terbaik buat mereka disana...tunaikan segala hajat dan impian mereka...kuatkan semangat dan INGAT! semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Leader shouldn't.....

Assalamualaikum..hmm..baru je having fun with my new club members..Caring Society..we had fun togather while having a lot of activities and also BBQ..yummy!!!!...but still i'm in bad mood..hahaha..can't control my emotion if I got mad..so if you wanna be a leader..don't follow me..k!..Control your emotion, control..and I will try my best..because I want to be a good leader..so sorry friends..

Tomorrow, we have another activities..Team Building..involve members in the club at D'Tempus Kedah..hahaha..hopefully I 'm gonna have fun there..forget everythings about stress...and come back to UiTM on Sunday...then continue my day as a good student..(bajet giler)..target pointer..3.90..AMIN! wish me the best!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Allah menduga kita :)

Assalamualaikum to all beloved readers, alhamdulillah, smalam punya konvokesyen yang ke-76, sidang ke-13, akhirnya berjaya saya harungi, walaupun dalam keadaan yang sngat memilukan..saya tetap bersyukur..alhamdulillah!..I want to credit to my parents and sister and not forget my second family, Cik Jamil, Along and Ana...they give me such a lovely day...I was crying madly since we had no opportunity to take pictures togather..I'm sorry, I'll promise for my degree's convocation the best and will be a sweet memory for us!..Thanks for the present, 

bt Along,Ayah n Ana , "Ak mmg terharu sangat sampai tak thu nak kata apa and nak balas apa at korunk sebab ak mmg xsangka korang nak dtg dan apatah lagi nak bagi hadiah..ak mmg terharu dan terhutang budi...thanks sangat2..walaupun ak nie hanyalah org luar, but korunk kena thu ak anggap korunk mcm family ak sendiri, maafkan ak ye sbb nyusahkan korunk, neway, thanks again", crying :'(

bt ayah,mama n adik " walaupun dtg sekejap and dpt jmpa sekejap je..akk dh bersyukur, xbyk gambar yg dpt dijadikan kengan bersama, so agak terkilan dan sedih..sorry la xdpt nak banggakan mama n ayah dengan Anugerah naib Canselor, akk dh byk menyusahkan mama ngan ayah..tpi akk akn cuba yg terbaik untuk degree nie...doakan akk..dan jgn menyesal dpt anak mcm akk, insyaAllah, one day you will proud of having daughter like me ..thanks datang and belikan hadiah.."crying :'( 

Semalam, mmg Allah sengaja menduga aku, aku redha dan cuba fahami atas ujian yang Allah berikan kepada ku...mungkin Allah ingin tunjukkan betapa kita perlu hargai org yg berada disekeliling kita, walaupun bukn drah daging sendiri...walaupun aku gagal dpt ANC, Allah nk bgi aku nikmat bila aku xdpt ANC itu, dan aku dh dpt dan ade semngat baru untuk cabar diri ini mnjadi yg terbaik...insyaAllah..pray for me! and to all muslims, selamat menyambut bulan Rejab..bykkan beristigfar, insyaAllah...mari perbanyakkan ibadah!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Berjaya jadi tinggi :)

Assalamualaikum, buat semua pembaca, hari ni saya pergi shopping kat Sunway Pyramid and finally I went to the Payless Shoesource ! Excited giler..sbb first time pegi tmpat kasut yg mmg2 konfirm ade saiz...hahahaha, after two times went in and out, sbb dh niat nak beli so beli gak...tadaaaaaaaaaaa!
nie tlong tggikan saya bt sementara :)

Nie la kasutnye, xlawa mane pon cuma, ok lah, price jgn tnye, yg  pntg, bwah seratus la...saya happy and very thankful for those who not ignores person with big foot and made them be a real woman ..sbb dpt pakai kasut tinggi..hahaha..! So, ambition baru, jadi shoes collector, jgn marah :) stakat nie baru ade 3 kasut yg saya sangat jaga with love and care and only wear it for attend formal events or do presentation in my class...hehehehehe so 1 month 1 shoes 1 Malaysia :P

masa pengambilan jubah :)

And also to announce that Fatin Athirah Mohamad wild attend her convocation on 20th May 2012, this Sunday at DATC, UiTM....hahahaha..conratulation to me :) walaupun, result takdela hebat sgt, tpi for degree, saya akan berjuang ! huhuhu..wish me luck :

Monday, May 14, 2012

Akhirnya mama izinkan aku berkahwin juga!


Assalamualaikum to all readers...mmm.semua mesti terkejut dengan statement saya kat atas nie..hahaha..akhirnya,akhirnya, finally, mama izinkan saya berkahwin juga...mama izinkan..dan saya bahagia..thanks mama...

saya mintak maaf 

TIPU Je! Just nak tengok berapa ramai orang yg actually terpengaruh dgn tajuk entry dan akan menarik minat si pembaca untuk baca entry tersebut..mungkin ramai, I do not know :)
so, actually I want to talk about FIRST IMPRESSION...what kind of judgement you give to something..
Everyone said that first impression is very important since it will impact you on how others will behave towards you...
it also important in interview because from there panel can guess your personality and will also either help you or not to get the job
So, just in case, it does matter for you to become hypocrite to yourself and others..since all the behaviour and attitude ,you can develop it but it may takes time ...
even when you are out there..
 always be stand out and imagine that you are the celebrity that your fans always see you...
that shows your confident and don't be afraid..CONFIDENT..ok..
hopefully it will help you!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mak nak kawin !

Assalamualaikum, buat semua pembaca...hahahaha..jgn terkejut plak..bukan saya yg cakap saya nak kawin..abg sepupu saya yang berumur 21 tahun..masih belajar kat maktab perguruan..dia menyatakan hasratnya nak berkahwin !!!!hahahaha, mmg xdptla kan..dh la mak cik saya tu tegas orgnya..

Saya?...um..nnti la ye..insyaAllah sebelum 25..kalau jodoh dh sampai..awal atau lambat Allah tentukan..but saya nak suami saya kaya dengan family, saya nak die punya keluarga besar..kalau balik kmpung, mcm kenduri kawin..mesti seronok (dh terbayang2 dah) tak sabar...tapi belum sampai masa lagi, um saya nak jumpa laki yg lagi tinggi dari saya, saya 168 cm..so kalau boleh +-175 cm  dan kurus dari saya, sbb saya berisi..hehehe (demand plak aku nie)..saya suka laki mata sepet, comel kan n kalau boleh nak putih sebab saya hitam...hahahaha..saya suka tengok laki yang rajin dan komited buat kerja, kalau buat kerja je serius memanjang..mcm kalau gi rumah org kawin , dia jadi tukang rewang tu, rajin je :) comel! Kalau bab makan, dia xmemilih, mkn je sume bende, xkuat mkn mcm saya....hahahah..kalau bercakap perlahan dari saya dan kurang bercakap..suka mendengar..hahaha...(byk plak cekadak aku nie)yg paling penting, agama, akhlak sentiasa terjaga....kikiki..nie sebenarnya nak ckp abg sedare aku kawin ke aku yg nak kawin ni...mama...tolong camne nie :)

tinggi mcm die :)
kulit putih, mata sepet cmni :)
nak perangai mcm die :)

Ape kes nie :(

be a leader 

Assalamualaikum, buat semua...hahaha, tajuk entry macam nak cari gaduh kan..xdela, just nak ingatkan diri..dan rakan2..kan saya pernah cakap pada entry sebelum nie saya bz dengan mcm persatuan, hahhaha, and now persatuan tu dah macam hampeh, so I just wondering, siapa yg patut disalahkan, members or the MT ( Majlis Tertinggi), before this, saya pernah masuk jugak persatuan, n the same things happen here :( So, ape yang saya perhatikan adalah actually, the successfulness of a association is based on each of member's attitude, kalau anda ade attitude yg mcm tah pape..not supportive or jadi back stabber..mmg persatuan anda lingkup..n I'm wondering again, betapa hebatnya actually our leader that very skilful to handle thousand or hundred thousand people, for example, our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w but we know it is not easy as abc, many things need to sacrifice, patient and you must fully committed.. i guess...umm.. really want to learn about leadership and i wish i can have or meet someone that very good in leadership and can give me guide ..wish me !

Selamat Hari Ibu :)

Assalamualaikum, today is very special day for my mom, since she is celebrating 2 events, one for nurses' day and one for mother's day...hahaha i just wish u through here (dpn2 xkuat lagi)...

Selamat Hari MAMA ! :) love u 4ever
Thanks for all the loves n care u been giving to me without any complaint...
Thanks for every lecture that you always repeating to make sure i always be the best...
Thanks for every energy that you always have to make sure i'm eat and have pocket money...
Thanks for being my friend and sometimes enemy and always patient with my attitude...
and thanks to be the best mom i ever had and i dont wish to have anyone else in this world except YOU, mama!

I would like to dedicate a song for you, from Maher Zain , No.1 for Me :)

i was a foolish little child
crazy things i used to do
and all the pain i put you through
mama now i'm here for you

for all the times i made you cry
the days i told you lies
now it's time for you to rise
for all the things you sacrificed

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

and now i finally understand
your famous line
about the day i'd face in time
'cause now i've got a child of mine

and even though i was so bad
i've learned so much from you
now i'm trying to do it too
love my kid the way you do

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/maher-zain-lyrics/number-one-for-me-lyrics.html ]

you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
you know you are the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

there's no one in this world that can take your place
oh, i'm sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh
i will use every chance i get
to make you smile, whenever i'm around you
now i will try to love you like you love me
only god knows how much you mean to me

oh, if i could turn back time rewind
if i could make it undone
i swear that i would
i would make it up to you

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

mum i'm all grown up now
it's a brand new day
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day
mum i'm all grown up now
and it's not too late
i'd like to put a smile on your face every day

the number one for me
the number one for me
the number one for me
oh, oh, number one for me

with love from your daughter :) saranghae mama!

Monday, April 16, 2012

What to do :(

Hahahahah, today, suppose I have class in the morning, but unfortunately, I'm not attend that class..
Why? Last night, I slept at my friend's room, and we have a very deep conversation until 4 or clock maybe..wakakaka..but I woke up early for Subuh, then, I went my room and fall asleep again and woke up at 10 o'clock..so what to do I continued sleeping..ZZzZZzzzzz...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dekat kan aku dan Dia :)

Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi dengan kurnianya aku masih lagi dibekalkan dengan 2 nikmat iaitu ISLAM dan IMAN...
Pernahkah kita tahu apakah itu IMAN...ataupun sekadar ucapan dibibir tapi tidak dipraktikkan..
Iman itu adalah percaya,atau membenarkan dengan percakapan, perbuatan dan hati.
Beriman kepada Allah adalah, membenarkan dengan hati bahawa Allah itu ada, mengaku dengan lisan dan dibuktikan dengan perbuatan yang nyata...
Sekiranya iman kita goyah, maka kita hilang kepercayaan padanya..
then we will not practice any of what Allah ask for us, solat , fasting paying zakat, went haji and umrah..
and this will lead us to do things against Islam..
That's why we have to always remember Allah in our daily life, love Allah in every second in our life more than anyone else, try to get close with him..
but how?????
there must be ways
1. recite Al-Quran and the definitions
2. Don't forget solat fardhu (compulsory)
3.always fasting(wajib + sunat)
4.practice solat dhuha and hajat
6.always taubat

maybe there are lots to practice but this is the common ways..hopefully readers and I will always give the best to devote ourself in doing good things and try to get close with him each second..insyaAllah...

p/s: Ask your Iman, how are you? everyday..ok!

What will happen to me :)

Yes, I want to be someone!

Assalamualaikum my beloved readers....all of you must be wondering why I will post 2 or 3 entry a day in a month, well, just like my lecturer said to my class, "you all ni kan busy, kalah PM kita,".hehehe might be true..!Well, I am still 20, a lot of things need to be done before I end my life..this is my peak moment in my life..I do not want to end up with such a bored life, just like a few of my friends...I am not talking back to them, i just want to remind my self so that when I old, there are lots of story and experiences that I can share with my grandchild..hehehehe :) 
Everyone knows that I already quit in my commander's life, well, that was a beautiful memories to me, just I don't want to continue..so now I am actively involve in my faculty's club call AFTAS..for fast track student, just want to develop my soft skill and also a club that made all faculties in UiTM to coop together , Caring Club ( Kelab Penyayang)..huhuhu..
So,what is my position and recent activities..AFTAS- as Special Unit, and the latest event is AFTAS Futsal Night (Bureau of Programme)...
In Caring Club-as (Bureau of Programme) and latest event are Family Day (Bureau of Technical & Logistics) and "Lambaian Desa -OPKIM" as Secretary...
See, I got tons of work to do..hopefully I can manage my time wisely and also focus on study..heheheh..I do not want to show off to you, but just want to tell..hehe :)Wish me the best of luck!

I am 20 years old !hehehe :)

I love this cake :)

Assalamualaikum to all my beloved readers, on 11th April 2012 was my 20th birthday..huhuhuh..Congratulation to me..! Yeah..!My friends made a surprise ambush to my room and use Dynamo detergent to shampoo my hair, hahahaha..suddenly my hair become smooth..yeah..by the,way it was very thankful to have friends that really appreciate us as a friend..thanks all my dearest...so that was a very happy part in my life..

The sad part is, this week is also common test week, so I suddenly got fever and cant concentrate on my study, but Alhamdulillah, with Allah help, I was succeed to answer 2/4 paper...because another two paper will be held tomorrow n so on...Hopefully , this coming paper is easy as abc.!!!! 
So, what are my wishes...??? I have numerous wishes to complete when I had reached 20...hahaha..my wish is to be the best of me, for sure I want to be success here and after, do  activities that I never tried before, travelling alone,make my parents happy n proud. make new friends, be active in club and sports...all is same, but I want to make some improvement in all aspect, my intellectual,physical,social, n also my soul....n the another thing is I want to finish my single day before 25 years old..huhuhuh.. :)(xgatal tau) How it happened, I just let Allah settle it, but at the same time I will try my best, but the best way is ...I don't want to find love before marriage but it will be blessed if it happen after marriage...no rigid qualification..as long it get approval from my beloved daddy ;)(apa aku merepek nie..hahaha)
Last but not least, I will try my best to devote my self to the right path, that is Allah..so that I will always happy n be blessed by him..Amin :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Life!

My life as career woman :)

Assalamualaikum everyone, it has been almost 3 months that I didn't update my blog, so there must be a lot of things that I want to share..but  I don't have enough time for that, maybe just a brief or some sort like a summary..hahahahaha...so after i finish up my diploma..then I took a rest at home for a bout 3 weeks before I started as a career woman..( xdelah berkarier sgt pon)..
So, without my knowledge my mom n dad, went to Giant Prima Saujana..to fill up a form of  job application as a cashier..then few days later, I got a call from HR person in charge and ask me for coming to the office for an interview...than, I got jobs as Goods Receiving Assistant... and not cashier..(adelah sbbnye)..
If u ask me wether it is fun or not working there, of coz I will say I got a lot of new things..and what can I say, It makes my life more colourful..hahahaa..thanks all my dearest...
And, finally , now I just finish my job as goods receiving assistant and continue as a student at Faculty Of Accountancy for  Bachelor (Hons) of Accountancy...Hopefully, this new semester will gives me a miracle and sweet memory, eventhough I had left a society that I really love then I have to quit since my body is not fully recovered and healthy anymore..so, that is my decision..I quit! Please my my day comes true..Amin..hopefully , you and my dream also comes true..InsyaAllah..pray for the best and do the rest!!

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