sweet words for sweet person

.orang kata saya garang tapi saya rasa saya sweet sangat dan comeyl (perasan) jadi mari layari kisah hidup saya.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ape kes nie :(

be a leader 

Assalamualaikum, buat semua...hahaha, tajuk entry macam nak cari gaduh kan..xdela, just nak ingatkan diri..dan rakan2..kan saya pernah cakap pada entry sebelum nie saya bz dengan mcm persatuan, hahhaha, and now persatuan tu dah macam hampeh, so I just wondering, siapa yg patut disalahkan, members or the MT ( Majlis Tertinggi), before this, saya pernah masuk jugak persatuan, n the same things happen here :( So, ape yang saya perhatikan adalah actually, the successfulness of a association is based on each of member's attitude, kalau anda ade attitude yg mcm tah pape..not supportive or jadi back stabber..mmg persatuan anda lingkup..n I'm wondering again, betapa hebatnya actually our leader that very skilful to handle thousand or hundred thousand people, for example, our beloved Rasulullah s.a.w but we know it is not easy as abc, many things need to sacrifice, patient and you must fully committed.. i guess...umm.. really want to learn about leadership and i wish i can have or meet someone that very good in leadership and can give me guide ..wish me !

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