sweet words for sweet person

.orang kata saya garang tapi saya rasa saya sweet sangat dan comeyl (perasan) jadi mari layari kisah hidup saya.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Awal Muharram Terindah

Assalamualaikum...buat semua insan didunia ini yg sudi membaca blog athie ni..hehehe..lama tak berjumpa blog kesayangan ni..sebab ape dh lame tak update???hahahahaha..sbb nye saya lupa plak password nie..hmmm..nyanyok plak saya..so kali ni..saya nak ceritakan apa yg berlaku sepanjang saya tak mengudpate blog...for sure ade yg sedih dan gembira...

So, the latest story in my life was hiking the Broga Hills with my friends...that was the latest enjoyable memory in my life as for today because we went in the early morning 4 a.m of Awal Muharram...hehehehe..from that moment I can learn new things..it's really hard(muzukashi) but still interesting(omoshiroi)....*( )japanese language..

From my experienced:

"As hiking the hill, you can hike until you reach your limit point, then, you will feel really tired, you feel that you want to stop from reaching the top, you have no spirit and loss of motivation..but there is always something, name FRIENDS, who will give you support..so that you will togather to achieve the goal..same concept in our life..even you feel it is hard to move on, you know Allah and family will always be there, and dont forget, FRIENDS always by your side...so be a friend that can support your friends and find friends that can bring you also to reach the top"

Here my sweet moment during Awal Muharram

shafinah and me

my supportive friends

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