sweet words for sweet person

.orang kata saya garang tapi saya rasa saya sweet sangat dan comeyl (perasan) jadi mari layari kisah hidup saya.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What to do :(

Hahahahah, today, suppose I have class in the morning, but unfortunately, I'm not attend that class..
Why? Last night, I slept at my friend's room, and we have a very deep conversation until 4 or clock maybe..wakakaka..but I woke up early for Subuh, then, I went my room and fall asleep again and woke up at 10 o'clock..so what to do I continued sleeping..ZZzZZzzzzz...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dekat kan aku dan Dia :)

Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Ilahi dengan kurnianya aku masih lagi dibekalkan dengan 2 nikmat iaitu ISLAM dan IMAN...
Pernahkah kita tahu apakah itu IMAN...ataupun sekadar ucapan dibibir tapi tidak dipraktikkan..
Iman itu adalah percaya,atau membenarkan dengan percakapan, perbuatan dan hati.
Beriman kepada Allah adalah, membenarkan dengan hati bahawa Allah itu ada, mengaku dengan lisan dan dibuktikan dengan perbuatan yang nyata...
Sekiranya iman kita goyah, maka kita hilang kepercayaan padanya..
then we will not practice any of what Allah ask for us, solat , fasting paying zakat, went haji and umrah..
and this will lead us to do things against Islam..
That's why we have to always remember Allah in our daily life, love Allah in every second in our life more than anyone else, try to get close with him..
but how?????
there must be ways
1. recite Al-Quran and the definitions
2. Don't forget solat fardhu (compulsory)
3.always fasting(wajib + sunat)
4.practice solat dhuha and hajat
6.always taubat

maybe there are lots to practice but this is the common ways..hopefully readers and I will always give the best to devote ourself in doing good things and try to get close with him each second..insyaAllah...

p/s: Ask your Iman, how are you? everyday..ok!

What will happen to me :)

Yes, I want to be someone!

Assalamualaikum my beloved readers....all of you must be wondering why I will post 2 or 3 entry a day in a month, well, just like my lecturer said to my class, "you all ni kan busy, kalah PM kita,".hehehe might be true..!Well, I am still 20, a lot of things need to be done before I end my life..this is my peak moment in my life..I do not want to end up with such a bored life, just like a few of my friends...I am not talking back to them, i just want to remind my self so that when I old, there are lots of story and experiences that I can share with my grandchild..hehehehe :) 
Everyone knows that I already quit in my commander's life, well, that was a beautiful memories to me, just I don't want to continue..so now I am actively involve in my faculty's club call AFTAS..for fast track student, just want to develop my soft skill and also a club that made all faculties in UiTM to coop together , Caring Club ( Kelab Penyayang)..huhuhu..
So,what is my position and recent activities..AFTAS- as Special Unit, and the latest event is AFTAS Futsal Night (Bureau of Programme)...
In Caring Club-as (Bureau of Programme) and latest event are Family Day (Bureau of Technical & Logistics) and "Lambaian Desa -OPKIM" as Secretary...
See, I got tons of work to do..hopefully I can manage my time wisely and also focus on study..heheheh..I do not want to show off to you, but just want to tell..hehe :)Wish me the best of luck!

I am 20 years old !hehehe :)

I love this cake :)

Assalamualaikum to all my beloved readers, on 11th April 2012 was my 20th birthday..huhuhuh..Congratulation to me..! Yeah..!My friends made a surprise ambush to my room and use Dynamo detergent to shampoo my hair, hahahaha..suddenly my hair become smooth..yeah..by the,way it was very thankful to have friends that really appreciate us as a friend..thanks all my dearest...so that was a very happy part in my life..

The sad part is, this week is also common test week, so I suddenly got fever and cant concentrate on my study, but Alhamdulillah, with Allah help, I was succeed to answer 2/4 paper...because another two paper will be held tomorrow n so on...Hopefully , this coming paper is easy as abc.!!!! 
So, what are my wishes...??? I have numerous wishes to complete when I had reached 20...hahaha..my wish is to be the best of me, for sure I want to be success here and after, do  activities that I never tried before, travelling alone,make my parents happy n proud. make new friends, be active in club and sports...all is same, but I want to make some improvement in all aspect, my intellectual,physical,social, n also my soul....n the another thing is I want to finish my single day before 25 years old..huhuhuh.. :)(xgatal tau) How it happened, I just let Allah settle it, but at the same time I will try my best, but the best way is ...I don't want to find love before marriage but it will be blessed if it happen after marriage...no rigid qualification..as long it get approval from my beloved daddy ;)(apa aku merepek nie..hahaha)
Last but not least, I will try my best to devote my self to the right path, that is Allah..so that I will always happy n be blessed by him..Amin :)

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