SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all Muslim. How’s your RAYA celebration??? Mine?? Let me tell you what happened.
Since the last terawikh, my uncle got into an accident, and it is between motorcycles. So, he had been admitted to ICU till the first raya. We had very minimal celebration and we rush to the Hospital Sg.Buloh. Seriously, it was very sad moments, and he need to go to operation room for two times. His brain was severely injured. Even through operation, there still lot of damages, the doctor said that time will determine everything, since too much brain damage. I was crying, my uncle’s wife was look really gloomy, maybe she thinks about her future, what she going to do?, how lonely will she be? And also my uncle’s sons and daughter, Alhamdulillah, everyday,I know they never failed to have faith in Allah, always pray, and reciting Yaasin. Then, on Monday, after I had finished from work, I called one of his son, and he is crying and said “Fatin,ayah aku dh tak ade,” and then the silent comes. I cry and rushing to their place. Then, all the procedure had completed. And my uncle just goes in silent to His Creator. Alhamdulillah, everything running smoothly, his face was smiling. Al-Fatihah.
Now, my new responsibility, to make sure that my aunt don’t feel bored, feel sad, sometimes my friends and I will come over to her house and sleeping over there. Time flies quickly. We will never forget you, insyaAllah forever.