sweet words for sweet person

.orang kata saya garang tapi saya rasa saya sweet sangat dan comeyl (perasan) jadi mari layari kisah hidup saya.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

RAYA syahdu!

Assalamualaikum readers,

SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all Muslim. How’s your RAYA celebration??? Mine?? Let me tell you what happened.


Since the last terawikh, my uncle got into an accident, and it is between motorcycles. So, he had been admitted to ICU till the first raya. We had very minimal celebration and we rush to the Hospital Sg.Buloh. Seriously, it was very sad moments, and he need to go to operation room for two times. His brain was severely injured. Even through operation, there still lot of damages, the doctor said that time will determine everything, since too much brain damage. I was crying, my uncle’s wife was look really gloomy, maybe she thinks about her future, what she going to do?, how lonely will she be? And also my uncle’s sons and daughter, Alhamdulillah, everyday,I know they never failed to have faith in Allah, always pray, and reciting Yaasin. Then, on Monday, after I had finished from work, I called one of his son, and he is crying and said “Fatin,ayah aku dh tak ade,” and then the silent comes. I cry and rushing to their place. Then, all the procedure had completed. And my uncle just goes in silent to His Creator. Alhamdulillah, everything running smoothly, his face was smiling. Al-Fatihah.

Now, my new responsibility, to make sure that my aunt don’t feel bored, feel sad, sometimes my friends and I will come over to her house and sleeping over there. Time flies quickly. We will never forget you, insyaAllah forever.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Graph of My Life

Salam ramadhan readers,

Today is the result for Degree students. I think everyone already knows their result, first I would like to congratulate for those who achieve great result and for those who may not, don't worry, there still chance in future. Just try and try till you satisfy.

What I want to tell is about my life. Have you ever heard this quotation before?

"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain but you cant have a rainbow without a little rain"

It is very easy to understand...In my life I never get perfect 10, each of my final result would be some slack. Previously, I cant get it, but now I totally understand, why this happen. For me, I never get perfect 10 for the result, but then Allah give me 10 times better opportunity for me in the future. Believe in Allah, he knows the best. And what we got we have to say Alhamdulillah, and we redha with His plan. Keep smiling :) Even though I can never fulfil my parents wish to get 1st Upper Class, I still can get 2nd Upper Class, and InsyaAllah, if everything going to be smooth as plan, I would doing my MICPA, and continue working with my current company after I graduate for 4 years. Pray for me, and I also wish you all the best in the future. Amin.

Salam ramadhan.

Internship Day :)

Assalamualaikumussalam readers,

It's been a while that I've been writing an entry. So, today is all about my first internship. Alhamdulillah, I've been accepted to a big audit company for my internship. So, on 1st August 2013 was the day and I think every company would do the same thing, there would be brief introduction about the company, the people and everything. So, I don't think I can disclose here but each company have their own benefit, so I am just happy with my company..THANK YOU.

After a short orientation with the HR people, I went to my department, and I am the only Vacation Trainee. I need to do some online assessment which need to submit the result within 2 days. Surprisingly, before the assessment there are modules need to be completed and it took about 2 hours each and I am totally sleepy. Haaa.. I sleep soundly and then fell down..what a shame.

Hmmm..what can I say, currently not the peak season for the auditors, so there are very relax and busy doing the audit report which yesterday I've been given opportunities to do some casting, vouching and others. It;s an interesting experienced and I hope I can gain as much as possible knowledge while I be there. InsyaAllah...

Lastly, I wish all of you salam ramadhan. :) Grab this precious opportunity that only comes once a year. Feeling so sad that this Ramadhan will left us soon. Hopefully we will be given chance to meet again in the future. Amin.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Assalamualaikum and very good day...its been a while since I did not update my blog. So, today..I just get bored and wanna share something with you guys.

I am an ordinary person who have extraordinary dream in my life and I believe you also have one. Its not big dream but still I hope I can make my parents happy and proud of me as their daughter. Is it wrong if I want to try every opportunity that comes to me? They blame me because of others. Had they ever thought that everything happen because of His plan. HE KNOWS BETTER THAN YOU! yes.Allah knows better..

Then why blaming others... If he say you are the right person for this job.then you deserve it..if not..he will let you to another job..for sure or not because why...Allah knows better..Thats why I keep to my self either this is my fault or what..I couldnt think at all and I have no one to share but Allah is always there. I am sorry if my dream make your dream unrealise..I hope one day you will not blame me anymore...

I love you myfriends...sorry for every trouble that I had made..hmmm..I am O blood and myface will show how I feel..if I am not happy ..my face show "i'm not happy"..hehehehe..

FRIENDS...support,comfort,and not pervert each other..hehehe.. I AM SO SORRY..love you♥♥♥♥♥

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