sweet words for sweet person

.orang kata saya garang tapi saya rasa saya sweet sangat dan comeyl (perasan) jadi mari layari kisah hidup saya.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Assalamualaikum and very good day...had a very good day today..alhamdulillah..with my friend..although the food is not really delicious..but still I enjoy it..thanks for accompany me to eat Pizza Hut.myfriend.hahaha..oh yeah...i got mylicense...even though..its not with me yet..still with my agent..but i already driving on the road..i.m capable for both..auto n manual..not like some newbies..they only can drive auto..ish2..ish2..cannot..hehehehe...
So..what else..nothing..hahaha..okay salam..n wish me very gud luck for the coming exam....amin..

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Habislah aku...

Assalamualaikum..n very good day to all...hmm..so apa nak cerita hari ni...now saya kat rumah tgh lepak2 ngan family n i just did something bad to my cousin punya samsung tab...u know kan..bnda tu ade lock pattern..n saya accidently xthu die punye lock pattern tu so saya try smpai..hehehe..smpai...die block..hehehe..n skunk ni die mintak email n password yg cousin saya pon nyanyuk  n lupa ape kebenda. ..xthu nak tlong mcm mana..hmmm..so duk diam kat tepi n tgok die godam je..nasib cousin saya penyabar..kalau saya..dh blasah2 dah..hehehehe..k la suk pagi bru blik umah sewa..n then straight to my faculty for class..hmm..doakan la ye die dpt unlock tab die..


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